"unrivalled capability & presence"

Established in 2009, K-9 PRIVATE SECURITY is a British security company proposing specialist security services across the United Kingdom and overseas. Operational in the cities of London, Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast, we comprehensively cover England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Since inception, we have formed international strategic partnerships in a number of key locations including New York in America, Zurich in Switzerland, Brussels in Belgium, Dublin in Ireland and Cape Town in South Africa.

K-9 PATROL                  K-9 UNIT

K-9 PRIVATE SECURITY provision Dog Handling, Bodyguarding and Manned Guarding services to a diverse spectrum of clients within Great Britain and Northern Ireland; enhancing their security with an unrivalled capabilty & presence. Our resources protect corporate sites, commercial premises, residential properties and other areas ranging from town centre to foreign travel security. We are regulated, vetted and licensed by the Security Industry Authority (SIA), holders of task-specific Public Liability Insurance and members of the National Association of Security Dog Users (NASDU).


We provide Dog Handling protection services: K-9 UNIT's (image above) comprising of Dog Handler, protection trained dog and caged purpose vehicle offer an unrivalled capability & presence to deter, detect and deal with criminal activity. Operating in marked or unmarked vehicles, our K-9 UNIT's conduct patrol and response duties of dedicated areas in accordance with the contracted Assignment Instructions.



Emergency Response can be activated by various methods including intruder alarm, personal protection alarm, CCTV and telephone. We advise clients to save the contact telephone number as speed-dial 9; number 9 being already associated with emergencies and 9 for a K-9 UNIT. Non-Emergency Response or heightened presence may be requested when clients are absent from a given location, when entering or exiting, when wary of callers or when suspicious of persons in the vicinity.

N.B. We provide Dog Handling detection services for currency, drugs, lithium, firearms and explosives.


We provide Bodyguarding services: Operating in overt or covert manner, CPO's (Close Protection Operators) with honed skill-sets are assigned as a sole Bodyguard or in the formation of a Close Protection Team.


We provide Manned Guarding services: Security Guards are deployed in conjunction with and separate from Dog Handlers and Bodyguards.


K-9 PRIVATE SECURITY comply with the Private Security Industry Act 2001 and the

Home Office appointed regulator the SIA. Personnel trained in law, arrest, use of force and conflict management are deployed to BS 7499 and BS 8507. We adhere to the Guard Dogs Act 1975, Dogs NI Order 1983 and all other industry relevant legislation. Canines trained in obedience, agility, protection and detection are deployed to BS 8517.


By law, frontline licence holders must wear SIA badge when on duty and it must be clearly visible at all times, unless the nature of the task deems them not instantly identifiable. In such cases, Operatives must carry SIA badge on their person and  produce on request to recognised officials. Personnel undergo background checks and their licence status is verifiable 24 hours a day, in the Register of Licence Holders section, on the Home Office government website @ www.sia.homeoffice.gov.uk


T: 0333 321 1463  (24HR) 

E: info@k-9privatesecurity.co.uk

W: www.k-9privatesecurity.co.uk


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